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About the Book
What if you could change history? This is what the main character of Nick Christopher:Time Traveler does. Or so he tries. This work forces its readers to consider the ethics and reality of time traveling. Is Nick playing God? Will he change history? Are there others like him? This novel is more than just an action packed novel with no substance. Nick Christopher: Time Traveler provides action but so much more. There are developed characters and issues that challenge the reader to think deeply, beyond just what is written. This work takes its readers on a profound journey not to be forgotten for some time.

About the Author
This is Dr. Shafer’s first fictional work. He has written college texts and scholarly articles. This work decries the myth: “Those who cannot do, teach.” He does not only teach creative writing; he does it so very well as demonstrated in this novel.  He has shown his scholarship with three other English texts: Process and Voice In the Writing Workshop, 3rd ed., Linguistics for College Freshmen and Sophomores: Non Majors, Welcome, and Propaganda—American Style: A Textbook for Critical Thinkers. His students laud his teaching in composition courses. And those who have read the early drafts of this work find it compelling. So, Greg Shafer has established himself as a textbook writer. And this new work places him as a writer of a fascinating fictional work that demonstrates his skill as a fictional writer.


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